Put your Space in the right place with the right name
Use the keyboard, cursor, or trackpad to get to the right space quickly
Does Space Capsule require special privileges to work?
No special privileges are required, but if you want to use the trackpad gesture to show the grid,
the app does need accessibility privileges to receive trackpad input. Space Capsule only uses this
privilege to process gesture input and nothing else, and does not retain or transmit any user data.
Why do I need to visit a Space before Space Capsule knows about it?
There is no publicly supported way for third party developers to manipulate or know about Spaces in
Space Capsule can uniquely identify and return to a Space that you're on, though, without having to
use any private frameworks or unsupported macOS functionality.
Why can't I remove a Space from within Space Capsule?
This is another limitation of not being able to manipulate Spaces as a third party developer in
Can I use Space Capsule to move windows from one Space to another?
Unfortunately not. This is another feature that is not publicly supported in macOS for third party
If I disable "Displays have separate Spaces" in System Settings, Space Capsule doesn't recognize all of my Spaces. Can this be fixed?
Because of the way that Space Capsule works, it is only compatible with keeping "Displays have separate Spaces" enabled.